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    Canyoning in Sardinia

     canyoning in sardinia wilderness

    Sardinia is a wonderful place: the Mediterranean climate is mild all the year, the inland is wild, unspoilt and rich of rivers that flow through the beautiful mountains. This particular context makes Sardinia a paradise for canyoningTourists will discover unique and spectacular places thanks to this adrenaline sports.

    The island is not only 'sea' but also an immense mountain heritage. Only a few years ago in Sardinia has spread tourism linked to the inland and mountains; so with it also develops the practice of canyoning in an island that, geologically speaking, is ancient. Here the flows of water through limestone and granite mountains has created many canyons, dry and wet settled in an environment of absolute uniqueness.

    So.. the whole vast limestone plateau of Supramonte is rich of 'Bacu' (valley, ravine, gorge) that across the mountains reach the seaGranite instead dominates the inland of Gallura and 'Iglesiente' creating rivers with waterfalls and natural pools of incomparable beauty.